Become a Kiwanis Member

Have you been looking to do some volunteering for good causes in your community? Do you like helping kids, having fun and feeling like you made a difference? Why not consider joining us and become a member of our Kiwanis club?

Contact us at [email protected] to inquire about membership requirements. At that time, we can provide a membership application and other details on becoming a member.

What does Membership Entail?

Membership in LVYP Kiwanis provides you with:

  • Joining the larger organization of Kiwanis that spans the globe with the share vision of service
  • Opportunities to help with various service-based events in Las Vegas and beyond
  • Camaraderie with a group of young professions who share a love of service
  • Quarterly Kiwanis magazine highlighting what other clubs are doing around the world
  • General liability insurance when participating in a Kiwanis event

Cost of Membership for LVYP Kiwanis

  • $150 per year annual membership
  • $80 per year membership for former Sponsored Leadership Program (SLP) members for the first two years

Breakdown of annual dues

  • $77 for membership dues for Kiwanis International
  • $51 for membership dues for California-Nevada-Hawaii District
  • $15 for membership dues for Division 28
  • $7 for club membership dues

Fill out a 2023-2024 Membership Application here.
